As I enter the fourth year of making The Lifeboat Station Project, its taking on a life all of its own, constantly growing in stature as my work reaches wider audiences.
I’m very proud to be creating photographs and podcasts that seem to have such a positive effect on those who come into contact with it, not least the lifeboat volunteers themselves.
Often that’s through extraordinary press coverage, social media or my growing band of Patrons.
However, occasionally there’s a surprise, a bit of contact that I could never have predicted.
The first came in 2015 when Instagram got in touch. Then I learned that The Independent Weekend Magazine were going to run a cover feature on my Project and it snowballed from there.
All very special.
But what’s the thing I love the most? Well, that’s when people buy prints of my photographs.
I reckon it’s one of the purest transactions in photography. It’s one of the greatest compliments when somebody sees a photograph and wants to live with it on their wall for years to come.
Furthermore, it’s a transaction that works in two directions — print sales fuel The Lifeboat Station Project and help me to complete it.
If you’re one of the kind folk who’ve bought prints of my work, you’re in fine company.
Last year, the National Library of Wales acquired twenty prints for the National Collection of Welsh Photographs, prints that will be shown in their Year of the Sea exhibition later this year.
The Perth Museum & Art Gallery are currently showing two of my original glass plates and another plate will be displayed in the Great Exhibition of the North this summer.
Again, all very special.
Then, on the 1st February I felt very lucky to meet Martin Parr at Niall McDiarmid’s Town to Town exhibition launch in Bristol.
Have you heard of Martin? He’s one of the most celebrated photographers of our time, so much so that last week saw the opening of The Martin Parr Room at Tate Modern.
And, as you can see from this small section of my own photo book collection, I’ve been a fan of Martin’s for a long time (William Eggleston’s Guide seems to have sneaked into the photo too):
With all that in mind, can you begin to imagine my joy when an email floated in from Martin inviting further discussion about my work?
I was so pleased (and flattered) that he was engaged and interested to know more. I really enjoyed the toing and froing, a dialogue which culminated in Martin ordering three Limited Edition Prints for his personal collection.
Martin Parr? Buying my work? Yes…it was true!
I’m sure you’re keen to know which photographs Martin chose from the 400+ images that now feature in the Galleries?
He seemed to gravitate towards the crew portraits and asked me to point him in the right direction. Martin wrote in an email:
“The images I really cherish are the whole crew in front of their boat…”
It didn’t seem to take him long to decide. And, as well as the crew with their boats, you’ll see that Martin has a soft spot for Tenby.
Here are the three prints that Martin purchased:

My sincere thanks to Martin for showing interest and faith in the historic archive I’m creating.
If you’d like to buy any of the prints you see here, simply click on the image and you’ll be taken directly to the appropriate section on this site.
Perhaps you’re new to collecting limited edition prints, or any kind of artwork? If that’s the case, I know it can be a little daunting — these are very special items and there are a lot to choose from in a project of this size!
With that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of eight tips to guide you through the decision-making process:
The Lifeboat Station Project is funded by my patrons and print sales.
My Patreon page is part of a crowdfunding website that allows my followers — people like you — to help fund my work.
Learn more by clicking on the image or button below. It would be an honour to have you on board!