Yesterday, I was invited by PermaJet to give a talk at their Open Day in Stratford-upon-Avon.
I had a bit of time on my hands beforehand, so I decided to put together a little exhibition of the work — Neena’s first ever pop-up!
It was not only a great opportunity for people to see where all the photographs are made but also to buy prints.
There was something so pure and simple about it — selling prints in the very space the photographs were created.

It felt very similar to the itinerant photographers of the 1800s who used to travel from town to town making Wet Plate Collodion portraits, selling them along the way.
Expect to see Neena Pop-ups become a feature of future missions!

I was particularly pleased to see a print of Ilfracombe RNLI Crew go to a new home with the proud owner saying:
“I just have to buy it, I can’t take my eyes off it!”
From the moment the scene unfolded before us on that hot June day, it’s a sensation that I’ve always enjoyed too…

Wonderful and apt venue for your first exhibition Jack, your prints are exquisite and hope you have many sales!
Thank you, Jane. It was a great buzz in and around Neena…yet more ideas for the future!
Dear Jack I have been following your progress avidly since I saw you on Countryfile. I’m hoping to see you in action in Northumbria in May.
Whilst searching for information on wet colloidal process. I came across Ian Ruhter using a giant pinhole camera van in the usa He is producing amazing images like you too. Have you heard of him?
Anyway I’m currently saving up for one of your prints, 2months to go!
good luck, Paul Elcock
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your message. Yes, I certainly have heard of Ian — an inspiration during the early planning of the Project. I follow him on Instagram.
Great to hear you’d like a print…if I can be of any help, let me know.
Best wishes,